30 Days Money Back Guarantee

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

We offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee on most of our products.
So if you decide a product your purchased from Bargain Sale isn’t for you, you can send it back to us for a refund. 

If you would like a refund after receiving your product (excluding shipping costs), and it is still within its original condition and packaging, please fill out the form at contact us page within 30 days of the product being delivered to you. 

For fast processing of your returns request, please be sure to include:

Your Reason for return;
Date of purchase
Your contact details;
Your order number
The product name and serial number
We will respond to your refund request within three (3) business days.


Following our approval of your refund request, we will require you to arrange return shipment of the product to us. We will provide you with the appropriate address (depending upon your product), within five (5) business days. We recommend using a registered post service so you can track the return delivery as we take no responsibility for any return that is lost in transit.

Please take care to repack the product as it was originally delivered to you. Failure to repack correctly may result in damage during the return transit and forfeit your refund.

Once we have confirmed receipt of the product and it has been inspected it to ensure it is in its original condition including all its original packaging and fillers, we will contact you to arrange a full refund.
This refund will exclude any shipping costs that may have been incurred..

If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact Us.